Corporate philosophy

Culture is created by impression.
Trust and confidence, as base of all.

Our aim is to enhance the quality of life for all the people through the entertainment.

Business Details

Company name : Yamatane International Inc.
Office : 1-21-8-306, Tairamachi, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Tel 03-6421-4361
Fax 03-6421-4362
Founded : April 10th , 2009
Capital : 130million yen
Directors : President, Kiichiro Yamazaki
Director, Kazuo Kuroi
Director, Takashi Iida
Director, Toshiie Tomita
Auditor, Erikoi Yamazaki
Associated foundation :

Yamatane Museum of Art

Major bank : The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ,Ltd.

Outline of business :